Feel Safe
Indoors Again
As defenders of your property and peace of mind, EPIC continues to seek innovative solutions in safety and technology. Please, watch this video to learn more about a powerful solution for protecting your people and property.
While the pandemic was certainly an unwelcome guest, EPIC was able to provide a safe work environment for our employees and building occupants. However, the solutions we’ve implemented didn’t come about over night. EPIC’s Learning and Development department spent months researching top methods to air purification, touchpoint cleaning, and infection transmission. We were driven to identify solutions that were sustainable, proven, and safe.
This journey led us to evaluate a wide range of air purification and disinfection methods. From germicidal UVC to electrostatic sprayers, no stone was left unturned. As more information surfaced about airborne transmission we began diving deeper into air purification. Our team found that the majority of air purification methods on the market only offer passive protection from pathogens. In other words, they only purify air as it returns through the HVAC system and allow the ambient air within a workspace to become contaminated. Through this process, we came across an air purification method that stood out from the rest; bipolar ionization (BPI).

As a result, EPIC began evaluating the effectiveness of BPI within our facilities. We witnessed first hand the power of ionization against mold, smoke, and odor. BPI was utilized in our clean room to protect employees tasked with disinfecting COVID contaminated equipment. Finally, in an effort to provide the healthiest work environment possible, EPIC installed BPI in all of the rooftop HVAC units at both of our facilities.
EPIC recognizes the stress that the pandemic has caused our clients. As caring defenders of their properties and peace of mind, we understand the need to share innovative cleaning solutions to help protect the people within them. Our journey to BPI allowed us to explore a myriad of cleaning solutions. Ultimately, we stand by the finding of our Learning and Development department that bipolar ionization is an incredibly effective form of air purification that can best protect the people within your property.

Learning & Development, Author